How to be more Confident| 5 ways to develop Confidence

Once upon a time there was a rivalry between history's two great painters: Henri Mattise and Pablo Picasso. 

Picasso desperately wanted to outdo Mattise. At that time he did not knew a fuss about any-how still he believed irrationally that one day he will outdo him. 

As expected, Piccaso faced many self-doubtings after all how can he outdo Mattise if he doesn't know any how? He knew he was losing. All the while, Mattise was titillating the world with his new paintings. Art critiques were praising him every where. This was hard to digest. Picasso was left miserable. Still, he doesn't lost faith that one day he will outdo him.

Many days went without him getting anywhere. But then one day, all was changed. He had worked silently on one painting and that made him gain love of critiques and painting lovers. At the same time, he outdid Mattise. The moral of the story is this:

|No one is gifted with confidence. Just as Piccaso gained it though irrationally believing that one day he will..., therefore you can too be confident. 

Ultimately, confidence is not something that people have, rather they create it.|

However, confidence is much more than fake-it-till-you-make-it kind of idea. In fact, there are  several ways to incorporate real confidence into your chest. But before outlining the list, let's discuss:

What is Confidence? 
Is it facing challenges without sweating like a freak or is it faking certainty in a state of cold ambiguousness?

Well, many people, including Tony Robbins, a renowned motivational speaker, agree that Confidence is about being sure of yourself: it is like believing that you can accomplish your goals, no matter how many hurdles blocks your way.

Now that we know, let's jump to the point:

5 ways to develop Confidence 

5. Learn New skills: 
Acquiring knowledge and new skills will boost your confidence. Identify areas where you want to grow and work on those areas. 

4. Improve body language: Your body language impacts how others perceive you. Stand tall, maintain good posture, make eye contact, and speak clearly. These small changes can project confidence and make you feel more self-assured.

3. Face your fears: 
Step outside your comfort zone. Face your  fears and prove your determination. As you triumph against your fears, you will be ever more confident. 

2. Practice self-care: 
Take care of your physical health and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular exercise. 

1.Positive self-talk: The story that you tell yourself is very crucial. Piccaso kept telling himself one day he will outdo Mattise. That was also a reason behind his success. Therefore, avoid negative self-talk and replace self-doubt with positive affirmations.


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