5 Exercises to do to Stay active

Health is wealth.” Health is a gift that God has bestowed on us all. However, we all have to protect it. While majority of us may not like to go gym and do heavyweight lifting, still we all could be healthy. 

It is a myth that only gym-goers can stay active and healthy----No! In fact, anyone disciplined enough to do exercises can be fit and active. 

Here are 5 exercises that you can do to stay active and live a healthy life:

Walking: Do you know, Our ancestors lived longer than us. Why? Well, one of the reasons was that they walked many miles a day. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be done anywhere. Just take your partner or put the earphones and tune in with the music and go for a long walk. Aim for at least 30 minutes casual pace walk daily. 

Yoga: One of the best thing about Yoga is you could do it anywhere, all you need is a mat. Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility, agility, balance, and strength. Yoga does wonder if you do it in the morning, because left on the bed like a dead body for the whole night, our muscles get squeezed up, making us feel weak. Stretching exercises of Yoga are the best way to activate those muscles, like standing forward bend or Cobra pose.

Bodyweight exercises: Other morning exercises in your list should be Push-ups, squats, and lunges. Although it depends upon some factors such as what is your age and what is your weight, still if you're aiming for a healthy body you should do 3 sets of 20 reps of each. 

Swimming: Swimming engages almost all muscles in a single exercise. It helps in reducing fat. Also, Your muscles get lean cut shaped if you regularly swim. If you don't have access to a pool, try water aerobics or other water-based exercises.

Cycling: Cycling is a great way to build cardiovascular health. Not only it does impact your physical health, but mental as well. You get exposed to the fresh air. You feel happy while cycling. If you don't have a bike, try using a stationary bike.


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