How to Find Purpose in Life


No two man wants the same thing from life, and so they won't follow the same ideal. Therefore, Purpose is subjective. In other words, the individual decides what is meaningful for his/her, and what he/she wants to follow in life. Purpose gives direction, meaning, and a sense of fulfillment to our lives. 

Now that you know what purpose is, let's move onto how to find your purpose in life.

Here are some easy steps to help you find your purpose in life:

Identify your passions and interests: All the legendary Artists that humanity has ever seen were the people who was doing what they deeply loved. Happy is he who can make a living from his hobby, so said George Barnard Shaw, Irish playwright. Therefore, start by identifying the things that you enjoy doing. Ask yourself, What activities make me feel alive and fulfilled? What topics I find reading or talking about the most? In general, reflect upon what you like doing the most. 

Explore your values: knowing your passion is the first move towards finding purpose in life, next is about deciding what you value. Values are the principles that guide our life. They are the ideas that we believe are right and most important. For example, Mahatma Gandhi deeply believed that ahimsa (non-violence) was the right way to protest against Britishers. Ahimsa was what he valued the most, and so it became the guiding force behind his campaigns for India's independence. Therefore, To find meaning in what you do, you must understand what you value.

Know your Ambition/Dream: After realising what you value, now it is time to ask what you want to achieve. This is the most crucial stage. Because till now, you have came to realise what you love to do, your passion, and what you believe is right to do, your values. Now you have to do decide what your aim is, what you desperately want to achieve. Once you will know it, then you will be moving towards a specified direction. Paulo Coelho had wrote, It is the possibility of a dream coming true that makes life intresting.

Take action: Once you have identified your passion, values, and goals, now it's time to take action. Start small by volunteering, taking a class, or joining a group related to your interests. These actions can help you gain clarity and confidence in your purpose. 

Remember, finding purpose is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and self-reflection. Don't be afraid to try new things and make mistakes along the way. Your purpose may evolve and change over time, and that's okay. Embrace the journey and trust you will find your way. All the best! 


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